Saturday, June 30, 2012

And then…

Here’s this week’s progress on Beacon House:


More alphabet and lower border and snow ground cover…

As I was pulling into my driveway, Mommy turkey and her brood of 6-9 chick lets were crossing my street up into my yard. I ran & got the camera  but while Mommy and half the babies hid in the shrubs, these ones thought if they froze, I wouldn’t see them:



Chickie says: “I’m the ONLY Chicklet round here if you please!”

shaved chix7

Monday, June 25, 2012

Falling Domino fun…

I hope this (still) works:

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Shaved Chicken…

Poor puppy is getting up there- I’ve had her for going on 9 years, and she was an adult dog then, so my guess is she’s anywhere from 12-14 years old. She doesn’t tolerate the hot so much anymore and it doesn’t help that her coat is like a collie’s fur. Last fall I had her trimmed to clean clean her up some, and I like the results so much I vowed to have her done for summer. And vee-ola- here she is: (don’t laugh too hard)

shaved chix6

shaved chix5

Here’s what she used to look like:


I keep doing a double-take and laugh when i look at her- poor baby! She feels like a seal. And her little legs crack me up now that I can actually see them.

I’ve been busy doing stuff I’ve neglected around my house- scraping and re-painting exterior trim on my house, lots of cleaning. I have to mow the lawn at least once a week to keep up with it. I still am having trouble taking out my stitching except for Thursday stitch nights. Can’t figure out what that’s all about because i love Beacon House, even with it’s wall-to-wall stitching, and there’s very little on TV to watch these days.

Off to mow- rain coming tomorrow and Tuesday!


Thursday, June 14, 2012


Geesh! I’ve been very bad at posting and stitching. Don’t know where my mojo’s gone %^(   but we’re halfway thru June already!

Here’s 2 weeks’ worth of stitching on Beacon House. I yanked up my big girl panties and did the snowflakes on the left side of the chart. I can now scroll over to the right side. I think I’m about halfway done:


You may have seen on the national (and international)  news about  the town next-door to mine that has imposed a $20 fine for swearing? Yeah- except for the people who voted for it at Town meeting, we all think it’s pretty stupid too. It’s not like they don’t have other, more important problems to deal with…