Sunday, June 1, 2008


So this is how it feels to not have to worry about the horse every day & night!

She was relaxed as could be, tucked right into her (green- not brown!) hay. I went up this morning to ride at 10:30; she had been out in the grass (real grass, with clover, not that weed garbage at HBF) paddock- about 1/2 acre with a big oak tree in the middle and shade along the side, since 6:30 am, by herself. She was in horsey heaven!

I was prepared though and brought a carrot & some candy canes as bribes to get her in. The crinkling noise of the mint wrapper does it every time!

She was a little spooky in the indoor. It has a white plastic roof, so it kind of glows inside. She kept looking out the doors as we rode by, as if to be sure all that grass would still be there when she was done.

The two other ladies who board there have been very welcoming and complimentary of Ms. Axe, as has Jody the barn owner.

I must say, but Ms. Axe is a very polite girl!

So far, I am thoroughly impressed and pleased with Axe's new digs. I really think we're both (and Emily, too) going to like it there. And what a worry lifted off my shoulders! Ahhhh!!!!

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