Sunday, December 20, 2009


Suffice it to say that we have a LOT of snow. Sorry- no pictures- I made myself busy baking cookies all day. Chickie hopped off the bed at 4:30 this morning, so I followed her down. I had to shovel the patio and a small place for her to tinkle; we had close to a foot then. After I got her settled, I continued shoveling my car & driveway- at least a path to the street so I could walk Miss Fussbudget. By 6:00 am, with the snow still coming down to beat the band, i was finished and went back to bed. I woke back up around 8:00. I made a short walk to Walgreens for a paper & some shortening & started in on baking.

At 3:30, i stopped to shovel again, and take Chickie for her afternoon constitutional. Short phone break with the BF, and I have one more batch of cookies, and then baklava to make.

Before I forget, here is a stitching update:


That silk floss is very variegated; it’s kind of a trick to do. i know on the model, they stitched it symmetrically. They must have started each leaf with a new ply of floss and stitched in the same direction (or mirror image direction). I’m not that clever, and I’m also a frugal Yankee bitch! I’m still loving it though!

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