I’m alive!
I have been stitching a little, too:
my alternate December ornament:
This is Rosewood Manor’s “Victorian Lace Snowflake” from the 2007 JCS ornament issue with DMC……..crap! where did my thread go???? on some kind of antique white even weave. And here’s my January ornament:
Heart in Hand’s “Wee Santa 2010” on a 28 ct. Dirty Linen with suggested threads. This is one of my presents from Em & DB.
I also resumed my Quaker Halloween, but alas and alack, no picture today (I don’t feel like it!)
It hasn’t been very conducive blogging-wise lately. I’ve been fretting about the mess my house is in, but I took care of a lot of it by finally getting sick of my Xmas stuff being up and finally putting it all away Saturday. The mess made me not have a good place for photos. Plus Chickie keeps wanting to go out a soon as I start something, be it cooking, cleaning, typing, napping; you name it, I start to do it, and she needs to go out. She’s had a few accidents in the peeing department. So when I get an inkling that she needs to go, we GO! (Not that she’s good at giving hints either- I think she’s reading Stewie’s blogs over at the Spinster’s.) Other than that, she’s well on the mend, although the vet neglected to sign the spay certificate, which means I have to stop there one day after work so I can get my reduced-fee dog license. Here she is bring guilty:
Here’s a picture of Aslan:
He loves to hang out under the lamp. He hasn’t figured out that the fluorescents don’t emit heat like the incandescent. I’ve been giving him a spoonful or so of Chicken’s canned dog food (a new post-surgical development) twice a day to try to put some weight on him. He loves it!
I made a big pot of chili Saturday, and had it cooking in the oven while I packed things away. It came out very yummy!
My local town rebels and I have been keeping tabs on our town government still, just to keep them honest. It seems like they routinely have pertinent issues on their various agenda that require our vigilance.
More snow for Wednesday. My boss has already said the words “snow day”! YAY! Of course. it’s all dependant on those wicked awesome meteorologists. So accurate, dont’cha know.
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