Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Garden Growing by Leaps & Bounds..

I finished a ten-day stint barn-sitting, and I’m trying to get back to my normal routine. Chicken was at my BF’s for the 10 days, and was spoiled rotten; so much so that I think she’s unhappy at being home!

Here is my Garden Grew progress. I am now 3/4 done!

 GG47 GG48 GG49   GG50


GG52 macro

I have created a fix for my Quaker Halloween and installed an A/C in my downstairs office (formerly the kids’ room) in preparation for the Hotter-Than-Hades Heatwave Tour coming to a town near you soon. Chicken demanded that at the very least. She also wanted dropped eggs on toast for breakfast and a medium rare rib eye for supper, too.

Yeah, right….


Anna van Schurman said...

Your garden looks great!

Deborah said...

Beautiful Mary! That Chicki, what a kidder.

Deb said...

What an absolutely gorgeous piece. It looks like a lot of fun to work on!