Thursday, April 29, 2010

In which our intrepid blogger stitches something…….

CS Quaker Halloween progress:

CS Quaker Halloween7

March ornament (gotta hop to it tonight & tomorrow to finish!):

ink circle freebie1

Ink Circle freebie from the Online Needlework Show. And yes, she is QUITE close to the edge of the fabric.

Em is now on second shift at Smartpak, so I’ve been going up to check on the pony in the afternoon:



apr2010a Miss Fuzzy Nose

Em gets to open up crates of new products to accept or reject shipment, then price & tag for warehousing. She gets to see all the new stuff before it literally hits the shelves.

Hot kitty-ness:

IMG_0166 IMG_0164 IMG_0165

Twitchy thing won’t hold still.GG26A

This will be brought back out this weekend………..

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