Tuesday, June 17, 2008

So whatta ya gonna do about it?

Yeah- I know I keep promising to write. Well I get busy. And tired. And rinse & repeat.
Busy day Saturday- Dianne & Jen's baby turned one. A's so sweet- we got there at 4:00, and when we left at 8, she was in her jammies having a bottle. Not a single off-key squeak out of her all day! Such a GOOD baby!
Sunday I picked up Bob and we drove around looking at cars. He's having a heck of time trying to find something. Everyone wants way too much for 18 year old 8 cylinder trucks with over 200K miles on them. One guy in New Bedford was asking $1650 for such a vehicle. Bob offered him $1500 in cash on the spot, even though he thought it only worth about $1200 & the guy turned it down saying "Oh I need the other $150".
As Bob left, the neighbor asked if the truck wasn't what he wanted and Bob told him he was interested, but that the seller turned down the $1500, which was too much as it is. The neighbor went ballistic. Turns out the neighbor is the seller's landlord, and the seller owes him 3 months back rent- $1500!! The neighbor said "I'll get him to sign the title over to me and I'LL take your $1500!!!"
Anyway, Em came home last night and we went over to ride the Axe. She was very good, but a bit peppy. I had given her Sunday off. I got on for a quick lesson and Em even had me go over a cross rail! And I didn't fall off! I haven't jumped since I was about 17. So I guess I can go another 30 years before I have to do that again!
I worked on Snowflakes last night until the thunderstorms made Chicken curl up under my armpit and start licking my hand for pats on the head. Then I couldn't sew anymore. I'm close to finishing it! YAY!

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